Cristian Raileanu

Li Ning Star, Romania, 31 Urteak

Pro Cycling Manager


Historia Taldea eta sailkapena Tour of Bihor - Bellotto Egun bateko lasterketa Itzulia

Data Pos Sailkapen nagusia Lasterketa Distantzia CAT
2018-06-03 2018 03.06 5 Tour of Bihor - Bellotto 2.2
2018-06-03 2018 03.06 16 - Tour of Bihor - Bellotto | Tarteko helmuga 2.2
2017-06-04 2017 04.06 4 Tour of Bihor - Bellotto 2.2
2017-06-04 2017 04.06 11 Tour of Bihor - Bellotto | Puntuak 2.2
2017-06-04 2017 04.06 7 Tour of Bihor - Bellotto | Mendia 2.2
2018-06-03 2018 03.06 22 5 Tour of Bihor - Bellotto | 4. Etapa 171 km 2.2
2018-06-02 2018 02.06 30 6 Tour of Bihor - Bellotto | 3. Etapa 1.9 km 2.2
2018-06-02 2018 02.06 6 6 Tour of Bihor - Bellotto | 2. Etapa 86 km 2.2
2018-06-01 2018 01.06 33 33 Tour of Bihor - Bellotto | 1. Etapa 180 km 2.2
2017-06-04 2017 04.06 43 4 Tour of Bihor - Bellotto | 4. Etapa 161 km 2.2
2017-06-03 2017 03.06 20 4 Tour of Bihor - Bellotto | 3. Etapa 1.9 km 2.2
2017-06-03 2017 03.06 4 4 Tour of Bihor - Bellotto | 2. Etapa 86 km 2.2
2017-06-02 2017 02.06 27 27 Tour of Bihor - Bellotto | 1. Etapa 180 km 2.2