Anton Muller

Team Novo Nordisk Development, France, 26 Urteak

Pro Cycling Manager



2024 2023 2022

Data Pos Sailkapen nagusia Lasterketa UCI
13.10 Tour of Taihu Lake | 2.Pro 2024-10-13 Gehiago ikusi
13.10 64 Tour of Taihu Lake | Orokorra 2024-10-13
17.03 Tour of Rhodes | 2.2 2024-03-17 Gehiago ikusi
17.03 75 Tour of Rhodes | Orokorra 2024-03-17
03.03 Visit South Aegean Islands Tour | 2.2 2024-03-03 Gehiago ikusi
03.03 37 Visit South Aegean Islands Tour | Orokorra 2024-03-03
09.03 84 Rhodes Grand Prix | 1.2 2024-03-09Gehiago ikusi
25.02 105 Circuit Vallee du Bedat | 1.12.1 2024-02-25Gehiago ikusi
31.03 23 GP de Cintegabelle | 1.12.1 2024-03-31Gehiago ikusi
14.04 Redlands Classic | 2.NRC 2024-04-14
14.04 DNF Redlands Classic | Orokorra 2024-04-14
29.09 21 Mémorial d'Automne | 1.12.5 2024-09-29Gehiago ikusi
28.09 109 Trophée des Champions | 1.12.1 2024-09-28Gehiago ikusi
27.09 60 Bol d'Or | 1.12.1 2024-09-27Gehiago ikusi
15.09 Tour of Istanbul | 2.1 2024-09-15 Gehiago ikusi
15.09 38 Tour of Istanbul | Orokorra 2024-09-15
08.09 10 Grand Prix de la Tomate | 1.12.1 2024-09-08Gehiago ikusi
26.05 35 Tour of Plainfield | NE 2024-05-26Gehiago ikusi
27.05 21 Tour of Somerville | NE 2024-05-27Gehiago ikusi
19.05 28 Gran Premio New York City | 1.2 2024-05-19Gehiago ikusi
28.04 Tour of the Gila | 2.2 2024-04-28 Gehiago ikusi
28.04 35 Tour of the Gila | Orokorra 2024-04-28
14.04 DNF Redlands Classic | Orokorra 2024-04-14
13.10 3864 Tour of Taihu Lake | 5. Etapa 2024-10-13
12.10 87101 Tour of Taihu Lake | 4. Etapa 2024-10-12
11.10 97103 Tour of Taihu Lake | 3. Etapa 2024-10-11
10.10 112107 Tour of Taihu Lake | 2. Etapa 2024-10-10
09.10 9494 Tour of Taihu Lake | 1. Etapa 2024-10-09
15.09 7938 Tour of Istanbul | 4. Etapa 2024-09-15
14.09 4839 Tour of Istanbul | 3. Etapa 2024-09-14
13.09 4042 Tour of Istanbul | 2. Etapa 2024-09-13
12.09 6666 Tour of Istanbul | 1. Etapa 2024-09-12
28.04 3935 Tour of the Gila | 5. Etapa 2024-04-28
27.04 4239 Tour of the Gila | 4. Etapa 2024-04-27
26.04 6343 Tour of the Gila | 3. Etapa 2024-04-26
25.04 1533 Tour of the Gila | 2. Etapa 2024-04-25
24.04 4242 Tour of the Gila | 1. Etapa 2024-04-24
14.04 DNF Redlands Classic | 5. Etapa 2024-04-14
12.04 DNS Redlands Classic | 3. Etapa 2024-04-12
11.04 10685 Redlands Classic | 2. Etapa 2024-04-11
10.04 3636 Redlands Classic | 1. Etapa 2024-04-10
17.03 9275 Tour of Rhodes | 3. Etapa 2024-03-17
16.03 4172 Tour of Rhodes | 2. Etapa 2024-03-16
15.03 94104 Tour of Rhodes | 1. Etapa 2024-03-15
14.03 113113 Tour of Rhodes | Atarikoa 2024-03-14
03.03 3537 Visit South Aegean Islands Tour | 2. Etapa 2024-03-03
02.03 4848 Visit South Aegean Islands Tour | 1. Etapa 2024-03-02